theater director

theater directortheater director
  1. One example is a dialogue between a theater director working in Europe and an old friend .


  2. A British theater director , she was known for smashing down boundaries to make plays more accessible .


  3. Cumberbatch and Hunter , who is an actress and theater director , were married on Valentine 's Day 2015 in England .


  4. The international visual theatre was founded by a deaf American theater director , Alfredo corrado , and a French colleague , Jean gremion .


  5. He was born in Montevideo , Uruguay to Rom á n Vi ? oly Barreto ,( a film and theater director ) and Maria Beceiro ( a mathematics teacher ) .


  6. This week , Mr. Medinsky replaced the theater 's director with a loyalist , Vladimir Kekhman , who said he would remove " Tannh ä user " from the repertory . ( Before becoming the director of a theater he renovated in St. Petersburg , Mr. Kekhman was a business magnate who imported bananas to Russia . )


  7. The museum is also hosting an inaugural special exhibition ( through Oct. 11 ) about Patrice Ch é reau , the late French opera , theater and film director .


  8. Since drama is a form of theater arts , the director should consciously bring out its theatricality in the process of creation so as to enrich theatrical expressions .
